Complaints Policy

Complaints policy

A policy for young people, partners, funders, or anyone else involved with sinceresponse who wants to express concern about something sinceresponse does.

If you are a sinceresponse employee and have a concern or complaint, please fill out the form.

Sinceresponse strives for excellence in all we do to help young people manage conflict, reduce violence in their communities, and help lead our society.
However, we do not always get things right and you may be dissatisfied with some aspect of sinceresponse’s work. We want to provide a fair and structured process that allows everyone we work with and for to voice their concerns.
We will attempt to resolve any issues informally and directly.
We’ll look into it and try to make amends where we can.
If we can’t, we’ll explain why and apologise.
Please let us know if you have any complaints, suggestions, or feedback.

How do I make a complaint?
If you are unhappy with any aspect of our work or service, please contact the person who provided it via the complaint

Complaint Form:

What happens if I make a complaint?
Any complaint you make, verbally or via email, will be logged and monitored by our Complaints team.
Concerns about a young person’s safety or wellbeing will be addressed immediately if your complaint raises them.
Wherever possible, we aim to resolve your complaint quickly and informally by the relevant team, or by the relevant staff.
A member of our specialist team will contact you if your complaint concerns a minor.
Sinceresponse is eager to learn and adapt, so please let us know if you have any concerns or complaints.
When we receive a complaint, we make sure it gets to the right person.
You will be contacted in writing to confirm receipt of your complaint and to outline our response.
To address immediate changes in process or procedure across the organisation within five working days, we aim to acknowledge and respond to complaints within 24 hours.